There’s nothing to be ashamed of.

Before I start, I should probably tell you, this topic gets me pretty hyped up. I am oh-too-familiar with shame. When I became a boudoir photographer, I questioned whether it was “ok.” The worst shaming came from a close family member, who made me feel like a straight-up failure. I felt like the biggest disappointment ever for what I was doing. While it hurt deeply at the time, the experience forced me to go deep and ask if I could really stand behind this work. And guess what? That deep dive led me not only to a “yes,” but to a definitive “hell yes!”

You see… every woman has her own story.  Every woman has her own thoughts, perceptions, feelings about herself and her body. I am no different.


Most women struggle with what it means to be a woman, what it means to be feminine. Society, culture, relationships, history, and family members tell us we must be a certain size or behave a certain way… that we somehow start losing a sense of our own identity as a woman. It is damaging to a woman’s self-worth and how she feels about her body with all the shaming that goes on.

This got me to reflect back on how I myself, like so many of my clients, spent a lot of time and energy focused on how others perceived me as. Fortunately, I was able to escape that kind of shameful thinking the more I photographed women and saw how liberating a boudoir session made them feel. I realized my work is sorta…its own version of therapy and healing.

To me boudoir photography is about making women feel at home inside their own skin, offering them a safe space for them to reconnect with themselves because when the shaming is gone - they become a work of art.


Marcia Coronado - Coronado Boudoir


Why I Shoot Boudoir | NY Boudoir Photographer